Monday 14 September 2015

Lenny's Lunatic Links...

By way of a change I thought today I'd bring you something I know all 100,000 of my eager readers have been clamouring for... Seriously... I've received over 250,000 emails and they all say... "Doggy... What we really need is a summary of what 'The World's Leading Expert on Cancer Bullshitter' has been posting on Facebook"... And who am I to question 500,000 loyal fans? So here, for all 42 million of you is an easy to use table of Loony Lenny's inane posts for the last seven days...



Well it's been another good week for ridiculous conspiracy theories with a nice tendency over the last week to report on the possibility (or delusional fantasy more like) that Americans are clamouring for a military coup.... Which is... Apparently... A good thing... How this fits in with Lenny's other theories about the impending martial law is not entirely clear. Cancer has put in a very poor week considering the claimed 'expertise' of the 'host'. Just a few minerals and not so much as a sign of Lenny's ONLY cure for cancer.

Nice to see chemtrails getting a couple of mentions... They could feel justifiably proud of themselves if it weren't for the fact they don't exist.

Actual evidence that Lenny is a doctor rather than a corpulent, delusional, psychotic dwarf, has failed to appear for a record-breaking 243rd consecutive week... So little change there.

Other topics have been much as predicted last week... Honestly... I predicted it last week but this blog was hacked / deleted by the CIA / something to do with Jews... Where was I?...

Oh yeah... Other topics about normal for this time of year with a slight boost to the evil liberals category from the gay agenda wanting the equal rights the constitution grants them... (bad thing)... And... You know... Actually receive the paperwork to get married like THE F**KING SUPREME COURT OF THE F**KING UNITED F**KING STATES OF AMERICA" says they are legally f**king entitled to. This is... According to Loopy-Len a crime against Christians... Like he'd know... He's about as Christian as my Saluki... 

But I digress... Or maybe not...

The real winners this week I think are Muslims / Immigrants / Terrorists which, in what passes for Coldwell's brain, are all the same thing... In at number two with a very creditable 21 posts devoted to them and their evil, anti-civilisation, brown-skinned ways...

I'm not even vaguely surprised at the Not-Doctor's attitude to the refugee (yes... refugee... not 'migrant') 'crisis' in Europe.. He's shown himself to be a small-minded, intolerant bigot many times in the past but I do wonder if he's actually looked up the word 'immigrant'...


[im-i-gruh nt]


    1. a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence.

    That's YOU Bernd Klein / Witchner you f**king SCHMUCK!!... You were born in Germany and now live in the USofA... In what possible f**king universe are you NOT an immigrant?.. Do you think people won't notice you're an immigrant because you're going by a new, non-teutonic, W.A.S.Pesque name? Maybe they won't... Right up until you open that weasely little lying mouth of yours and start spouting your bullshit...  Then they'll notice your comedy Herr Flick of Zee Gestapo accent and you're rumbled.

    Just for you Lenny I've produced this handy aide memoire that you can print out, have laminated, and keep in your wallet with all of those 'accredation' cards you collect at $100 a go from those 'unaccredited but very prestigious' Quacks-R-Us seats of learning... Next time you think about reposting something about how dreadful immigrants are, and wonder "Hang on... Am I an immigrant?"... You can consult this card and have a bit of an old think about it... I know your brain doesn't work very well so it might be as well to get Sarah to sharpen a crayon for you and write "Ya! Ich bin eine immigrant" on the back. Or maybe get somebody to ghost-write it for you like you do with your 'multi-best-selling' books.

    So that about winds it up for this week's analysis but before I go I'd like to mention Lenny's favourite minority group... The Jews...

    Come on goys and gals... You only got six mentions already... Oy vey!

    Those Christian children aren't going to sacrifice themselves and it's been over 2000 years since you murdered the son of god... You're resting on your laurels so lets make 5776 a year of protocol-writing, world-war-starting, being-eternal and... if you get around to it.... Could you open a Jewish deli in Hull... You can't get a decent salt-beef bagel here for love nor money...

    Shanah Tovah Umetukah


    The outlook for the next seven days is generally depressing with outbreaks of utter insanity... Expect racist intervals with complete bullshit and lies adding to an overall picture of mind-numbing tedium... Grandiose claims of world-class genius towards the end of the week with a very slim chance of legal action and f**k all chance he'll get that Nobel prize he's supposed to have.

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