Friday, 29 December 2017

Multiple PhD recipient Leonard Coldwell makes a fool of himself again.

For a man with one, five or nine PhDs Not-A-Doctor Leonard Coldwell doesn't seem to know much about anything and particularly not chemistry... Or internet culture...

Over on his Eyn Rand Facebook page he posted this...

Eagle eyed readers may have noticed the use of the word 'Dihydrogenmonoxid' but we'll come back to that... Here's the story link (via Google Translate) to from the apparently trustworthy Wetteronline website... That's weather online if you're not German... 

There it is again... Dihydrogen Monoxide... But wait!!!! What was the date of this story? Ah... April 1st... Hmmmm...

Here's the edit from the article...

"Contrails and chemtrails

Addendum: As you have noticed immediately, of course, this message is an April Fool's joke: Oxidan or dihydrogen monoxide (DHMO) is nothing more than the chemical name for water. And, of course, it is a truism that the vapor trails from jets mostly consist of water vapor and that water plays a crucial role in weather forecasting. Only the research society UEGSD we have invented freely. We ask you to look into this little april-flyer. :-)"

And here's the first paragraph from the Wikipedia Dihydrogen Monoxide page...

"The dihydrogen monoxide hoax involves calling water by the unfamiliar chemical name "dihydrogen monoxide" (DHMO), and listing some of water's effects in a particularly alarming manner, such as accelerating corrosion and causing suffocation. The hoax often calls for dihydrogen monoxide to be banned, regulated, and labeled as hazardous. It illustrates how a lack of scientific literacy and an exaggerated analysis can lead to misplaced fears."

And so there we have it... Further proof the Not-A-Doctor Leonard Codlwell is scientifically illiterate at a very basic level but also proof that he doesn't even read the webpages he links to.

Let me leave you with a seasonally appropriate song...

"♫Oh the weather outside is frightful
♫But the fire is so delightful
♫And since we've no place to go
♫Let it precipitate solid dihydrogen monoxide! Let it precipitate solid dihydrogen monoxide! Let it precipitate solid dihydrogen monoxide!♫"

Sunday, 24 December 2017

Lenny's Facebook Woes... or ...An early Xmas prezzie to the world from Facebook

So it's not been a good month for Lenny over on Facebook... First his 'Dr Leonard Coldwell' page gets permanently deleted...

...Then his replacement 'Krebsheiler Coldwell' (That's 'Cancer healer Coldwell' if my O Level German (failed) is anything to go by) lasted about a day... Probably because I grassed him up for a fake name and for resurrecting a banned page)...

 ...and then his (just about) English language page got suspended for 30 days...

 As usual Lenny pretends Facebook banned him for promoting his 'cure for cancer' or, to be more precise, his 'new' book and he claims there's been another attempt on his life... That must be the seventh or eighth so far.

So is this 'Brave Maverick Doctor' narrative any less bullshit than the many previous times he's employed it? No... Of course it fucking isn't. Leaving aside the fantasy attempts to assassinate him... For which he's never provided a scrap of evidence that they are anything other than a fantasy... Lets look at what ACTUALLY cost him his pages...

Here's the post that got his English language page suspended... And it was me that reported it...

Let me quote that so the Google bots will associate (Not A) Doctor Leonard Coldwell with the vile racist sentiments he reposts...

"The Swedes have had it with the Muslim invasion currently underway in their country. Nine refugee centres have been burnt to the ground to get the message across"

Now that story is A) Not true, B) From 2015 and C) the photograph is of a recycling plant not a 'refugee centre' (The grab crane is a bit of a giveaway)* but what matters is the fact that the appallingly racist (Not A) Dr Leonard Coldwell thinks such a post is worth making... The message that Musilms best leave or face being massacred in arson attacks.

Leonard Coldwell... The great humanitarian... My spotty white arse.

Well there we have it... More of exactly the same shit as before from Leonard Coldwell... Hatred, bigotry, racism and incitement to violence against the most vulnerable in society.

I do at least take comfort from the fact that Lenny is somewhat of a busted flush these days. His scamming has always been third rate at best but what has he been reduced to now? His US version of his IBMS (Idiocy Based Money Scam) is dead and buried, his German version is on life support and his latest self-published rehash of his book isn't even on Amazon.

All he seems to have left are his Facebook accounts which attract minimal 'likes' and 'shares' and his tatty collection of websites.

Will 2018 finally see the back of the vile little creep? Who can say.

Until next time my loyal readers... The compliments of the season to you and may all your days be free of irritating, racist bullshit merchants like Lenny.

*Snopes article on the Swedish Refugee Centre lies.