Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Leonard Coldwell... Merchant of hate... Again...

So it looks like The-Increasingly-Irrelevant-Not-A-Doctor Leonard Coldwell has been suspended... Yet again... From his English language (or what passes for the English language in his case) Facebook account.

This time it seems it was for hate speech again but at least with a slight variation on a theme...

The second time eh?.... I wonder if the first one was removed for the same reason as the second...

While we are on the subject of Lenny The Liar's pathological hatred of Muslims... And Jews... And black people... Here's one of his posts from earlier in the week...

Think you've seen this transparently fake shit before?... You're absolutely right... Here it is from two years ago when it was as fake as it is now...


So there you go... Call another whaaaaambulance for poor old hard-done-by Lenny...

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Not A Doctor Leonard Coldwell makes a racist fool of himself... Again.

Freshly returned from his latest 14 day ban over on Facebook Lenny returns with the usual scatter-gun posting of fake news bullshit and... Of course... His usual frothing racism.

It is therefore my pleasure to bring you this gem from the anti-immigrant immigrant...

"European ! Must must see this !!!

The Muslims demanded not to drive in the Ramadan Holiday in Birmingham England! 

In 10 to 20 years Muslims will control England!"

Now I know Birmingham quite well and have friends who live there but I was very surprised to hear about this because surely somebody would have mentioned it...

Well... They would've heard of it if had actually happened which it didn't... Let's go through just a few minor points.

1) This isn't Birmingham.
2) The rioters are not Muslims.
3) Their is no rule in Islam against driving during Ramadan.
4) Leonard Coldwell is a racist turd.

If you watch the video... And I won't link to any of the racist sites that host it but it can be seen here... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAoQTQE_YTY ... you can clearly see the cars are driving on the right... In the UK we drive on the left.

The reality is that the video shows football hooligans attacking traffic in Basel, Switzerland and this video is of events that happened over a month ago.

As for "in 10 - 20 years Muslims will control England" well... England (as opposed to the UK) has a population of 51 million and of that 51 million roughly 2.7 million are Muslims... That's about 5%. Muslims are actually outnumbered roughly five-to-one by atheists and over ten-to-one by nominal Christians. The UK as a whole and England in particular is distinctly secular in nature and we have as a rule very little tolerance for people who try to force their religion down our throats... If you measure religion by those who actually practice their faith the number of genuinely religious people of all faiths is in the region of 25%... Leaving 75% who really couldn't care less what their god tells them to do and have no intention of being bound by what it says in their religious books.

So how exactly are the Muslamics going to control England?.. The answer of course is that they won't and in the main they don't want to. This is just another one of Lenny's little racist fantasies.

Even one of his followers told him he was talking shit...

"Denis Revák

This post is bullshit! Video have nothing to do with your description ! I was thinking your are a smart guy but now I saw how manipulate you are Mister Coldwell you sucks!"

Friday, 8 June 2018

The Great Not-A-Dr.med Leonard Coldwell SCANDAL!!!

OK... I'll admit right now the scandal isn't actually a scandal but if Lenny can exaggerate... And he most certainly does that... So can I.

Lenny has taken to his German language 'Cancer Patient Advocacy Foundation' webshite to decry the fact that yet another one of his Facebook profiles has been nuked by the Zionist forces of  evil...

 Here's the accompanying text care of Google Translate...

"Scandal! Facebook has the German Facebook page of Dr. med. Leonard Coldwell completely deleted. 

Without reason, from now on later ... Hundreds of thousands of subscribers are shocked. 

People who support the opinion and the information of Dr. med. Leonard Coldwell, have now been cut off from the information opportunity on facebook. There is freedom of expression in this country. This means that anyone can say and write what they want and it also means that they can inform themselves and where they want. "Censorship does not take place." Art. 5GG

Dear Federal Constitutional Court: Exercise your office! Ensure the implementation of the laws that we demand of you! There is a great deal of inequality in treatment here. 

The company facebook deletes the website of a person who deals with health and passes this knowledge on. In return, this company allows Menschn, which sends out violence, rape, calls for violence against Christians or similar socially harmful messages. 

Dear readers and fans of Dr. Ing. Coldwell facebook page, please complain! Loud and clear, so that the site can be free again. It has worked before, so do it: complain to facebook! 

https://www.facebook.com/help/community/ask/ - click through the suggestions and ask why the dr. Coldwell is no longer there and that you want to have them again!
Sample text:
The facebook page of Dr Leonard Coldwell has been deleted.


  I want to know why.
  They have spent hours raping them, allowing people to call for violence against Christians and discrimination against Germans and other verbs. But someone who shares important information on topics that are obviously of great interest to society will be deleted?
  The Discrimination: The GG §1 says very clearly that NOBODY may be discriminated against because of his religious beliefs, his opinion or his skin color.
  In addition, you violate the GG §5, "There is no censorship."
  The Federal Constitutional Court is the next instance I will contact if you do not restore the page within the next 24 hours.
  Please restore the page, thank you!
Alternatively, like this account on facebook: EynRand https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100012315068084 

Thanks, dr. Leonard Coldwell and his entire team"

 Clearly this was another case of Facebook getting fed up with his posting anti-Muslim hate shit and killing another one of his accounts... Something that happens about twice per annum as far as I can tell... But here's a couple of minor points Lenny should perhaps keep in mind..

First and foremost the name of the deleted account... "Dr. med. Leonard Coldwell"... is fake as Leonard Coldwell is not a Dr of medicine... Or anything else... And therefore Facebook were only implementing their freely published rules.

Second... The account did not have hundreds of thousands of subscribers... This is just Lenny picking a big number out of his arse because the real figure didn't seem very impressive. In reality Lenny's multiple accounts tend to have between one and two thousand subscribers... NOT hundreds of thousands.

Third... Assuming Lenny The Liar's citation is correct and Article 5GG of the German constitution says "Censorship does not take place." that does not mean he has the right to post anything he likes to Facebook and have it published. Facebook is a private company and it has the right to choose what it does and what it does not publish. In a case where posts clearly violate their conditions of service they can remove the posts and ban the offender pretty much at their will as long as it is not done in a way which breaches anti-discrimination laws. In cases where the post advocates hatred against a particular group they are legally obliged to remove it in many jurisdictions.

The fact that he cites German law on discrimination when he has such a long and inglorious history of posting discriminatory bollocks to the internet shows how little self-awareness he has. The fact his sample text basically accuses all Muslims of being rapists and violent to Christians has just broken another one of my irony meters.

This isn't a freedom of speech issue any more than it would be if I were to throw somebody out of my house for spouting racist shit... My house...My rules... Facebook's house... Facebook's rules.

Fourth... Any protections given by the German constitution apply only within the state of Germany. If Lenny is resident in the USA (which he claims to be) and posting to a US website like Facebook those protections clearly don't apply. If on the other hand Lenny is living in Germany his claim to be a medical doctor constitutes a criminal offence there because he's nothing of the kind... Besides... Isn't he claiming to be a Dr. Ing these days? Same old same old... Different websites... Different lies.

And then there's his holocaust denial... Another criminal offence if he's living in Germany.

So 'scandal'? No... Another one of his hissy-fits?... Absolutely...

Will he get his crack legal team on the case and bring a case in the German Federal Court for breach of his right to free speech? I'm guessing the chances of that happening are somewhere between none whatsoever and fuck all... Mind you... I wish he would... It would be very entertaining seeing mister 'I won't start the fight but I will finish it' finishing yet another ill advised law suit by losing... Again.

Thursday, 31 May 2018

A return to posting as Lenny changes his 'doctor' claim yet again.

Hello my loyal followers... Yes it's been a while but to be quite honest Not-A-Doctor Leonard Coldwell... Or as I intend to refer to him from now on The-Increasingly-Irrelevant-Not-A-Doctor Leonard Coldwell... Has not done anything worthy of comment.

Yes... He's still scattergun posting conspiracy theory shit to what Facebook pages he has left... (his 'Dr Leonard Coldwell' profile having been nuked by Big-Farma shills.. https://www.facebook.com/dr.leonard.coldwell/)... Much of it just reposts of his previous posts... And he's still making grandiose claims to his ever decreasing audience such as claiming his latest self published book is 'the best selling book in history'... No... Just NO.*


I couldn't resist bringing to a wider audience the fact that he's changed his claim about being a doctor yet again... Gone the PhD in psychology (from a diploma mill)... Gone the other three mystery PhDs he's stopped mentioning because the thick fuck realised... belatedly... It was making him look ridiculous... Gone the medical degree that let him ply the trade of general practitioner... You know the one... The one from the US not valid in Germany and the one in Germany not valid in the US... Now he's a....

Wait for it...

Wait for it...

A Doctor of Engineering...

The above from what I think is a new webshite for his fraudulent / non-existent 'Cancer Patient Advocate Foundation'...

There it is... Dr. Ing.

To quote Wikipedia...
The Doktoringenieur (acronym Dr.-Ing., also Doktor der Ingenieurwissenschaften) is the German engineering doctorate degree, comparable to the Doctor of Engineering, Engineering Doctorate, Doctor of Science (Engineering), Doctor of Science (Technology) or a PhD in Engineering or Architecture.
Needless to say this 'doctorate' is likely to be about as real as all of his other 'qualifications'... That is to say not real at all.

Incidentally if you were wondering about the no doubt frugal but business-like offices of this wonderful humanitarian organisation which is definitely NOT just another one of Lenny's fantasies...

What sort of doctorate will The-Increasingly-Irrelevant-Not-A-Doctor Leonard Coldwell claim next... Stay tuned for all the latest news as it happens... If it happens...

* In case you were wondering the fastest selling book in history was... According to Wikipedia...

2007 Book – Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling selling approximately 15 million copies worldwide in its first day

...so forgive my doubts about The-Increasingly-Irrelevant-Not-A-Doctor Leonard Coldwell's latest vanity published rehash of The Only Book He's Ever (Had Ghost) Written

Sunday, 18 February 2018

Fake doctor Leonard Coldwell calls his pot and his kettle black.

In what is possibly the least self-aware and most irony-meter-overloading post the 100% unqualified charlatan Not-A-Doctor Leonard "Nine PhDs" Coldwell has posted in a while I bring you this classic post from his female on-line persona Leonora Coldwell Eyn Rand...

Now if you are like me and have a minimal grasp of the German language that probably doesn't make much sense but there's a word that jumps out.... "Unqualifizeite"... Or as we say in God's own English... "Unqualified"...

The headline reads... According to Google Translate...

"Two Germans died because of treatment by unqualified migrant doctors"

Yes folks... Leonard Coldwell the unqualified fake doctor migrant is warning his ever decreasing band of followers about the dangers of unqualified migrant doctors.

In reality the doctors referred to in the article were at least arguably qualified although their qualifications were not it appears valid in Germany. Compare and contrast if you will the 'qualifications' of Lenny which are of course completely and utterly bogus and not valid for the practice of medicine in Germany or anywhere else in the world...

Lenny... You owe me an irony meter...