I'm slightly worried about the Germanic Gut-bucket because he's not posted on Facebook for a few days which could mean he's banned again or it could mean he's had a nasty crash in that big Mercedes he's pretending is his... He obviously can't see over the dashboard after all... Actually no.... I'm not worried at all and the thought of the short-arse careering down the road in a car designed for normal sized people and crashing into an abutment fills me with hope but anyhoo... Back to business...
Lenny is repeating the whole "Facebook are going to steal your soul, pictures and posts" nonsense... Along with the ridiculous 'lawful' notice that blahdiblahdiblah and etc... All of which was comprehensively debunked back in 2012...
Hang on.... I've just been over on Facebook for a screen grab and everything after 1 July has been deleted... Oh well... It'll give Lardy-Lenny something else to add to the lawsuit he's already working on with his multi-million pound legal team...
Now that's a lawsuit I'd love to see... Not just because it's so fatally ill-conceived but because it would be nice to see Lenny actually follow through with a lawsuit which he's not done since that German one he lost so badly back in 1999...
I am of course always aware that Lenny is willing and able to spend $700,000 a year on lawyers fees so obviously I'm careful what I say* about the short, fat, ignorant, bald, racist, anti-semitic, 100% fake, scamming, lying, forcilby-fondling, stupid, unqualified, delusional, rape-victim-blaming, Nazi cockwomble... For hath he not sayeth unto the internetz... "I won't start a fight but I will finish it"?.. (For which read "I will try to intimidate people with my woefully inept Bargain-Bucket McLawyers until they realise I'm full of shit and throw me under the bus")... But suing Facebook for banning him for hate-speech?... I can't wait to see him or his "legal team" make a first amendment case out of that one.
*Actually I'd love to see him sue me... Bring it on biatch!
Did you miss me?...
Well... It's been an 'interesting' few months for me recently in a "may you live in interesting times" sort of way which has meant that I have... To be frank... Had far more important things to worry about than the inane ramblings of the Sawn-Off Stuttgart Short-Arse (That's Leonard Coldwell for the sake of the Google crawling bots... Got that?... Leonard Coldwell not Doctor Coldwell because he isn't one (isn't SEO easy?)) which is why there have been no posts on this blog. The actual reasons are either boring, very boring or private and there's nothing more boring than reading about the mundane crap that fills everybody's life so I won't inflict it on you... But... I will say that if anybody else pisses me off this year they'd better be able to outrun an arrow and if any more computer equipment dies on me taking years of work with it I might take to the roof-tops with that .50BMG sniper rifle I don't have.
Any old road up... I can't let this Facebook post from the recently reinstated after another 'holiday' Nuremberg Nazi go past without comment...
Now I really can't be arsed picking every last piece of that ignorant, pseudo-historical, Nazi-apologist bullshit or its barely concealed "jewsdiddit" undertones to pieces but I will give you this little quote from wikipedia...
"During the war, German forces under direct order from Adolf Hitler set up six major extermination camps, all of which operated in the heart of Poland. They included the notorious Treblinka, Majdanek and Auschwitz killing centers. This allowed the Germans to transport the condemned Jews
under the guise of resettlement from the Third Reich and across
occupied Europe, and systematically murder them in the death camps set
up in the Polish areas annexed by Nazi Germany. The Nazi crimes against the Polish nation claimed the lives of 2.9 million Polish Jews, and 2.8 million ethnic Poles,
including Polish academics, doctors, lawyers, nobility, priests and
numerous others. Since 3,5 million Jews lived in pre-war Poland, Jewish
victims make up the largest percentage of all victims of the Nazis'
extermination program. It is estimated that, of pre-war Poland's Jewry,
approximately 90% were killed"
So yeah... Hitler's annexation of Poland was a part of the continuing campaign of the Nazis to bring democracy to the world and not a war of expansion nor a part of the murderous "Final solution to the Jewish question"... And the gay, Romani, Slav, handicapped, Jehovah's Witness, Communist and anybody else the bastards didn't like questions too.
Up until now I have refrained from using the uncensored word 'f**k' on this blog but in this case I'm going to abandon the asterisks and say this... "FUCK YOU COLDWELL YOU JEW-HATING, RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC, TRANSPHOBIC, MISOGYNISTIC, BIGOTED, NAZI FUCK!"
And in case anybody doubts that Facebook Fakedoctor Coldwell is a Hitler loving arsehole I notice he's linking to the "Greatest Story Never Told" video again... Anybody like to guess who that's about?.. I'll give you a clue... His intials are AH and the only good thing he ever did in his life was when he put his PPK against his head and pulled the trigger in a hole in the ground in Berlin in 1945...
Well that's my rant over for the time being but on a happier note I did find this hysterical picture on Facebook which proves that Lenny's real surname of "Small"... Sorry... "Klein" is spot on...
Now I'm pretty sure that's a picture I've seen before and I'm even more sure that's not his car but seriously... I have a suggestion for you Lenny...