Thursday 20 October 2016

Coldwell, lies, repeated lies and lies about the truth....

The fact that Not-A-Doctor Leonard Coldwell is a pathological liar should be obvious to anybody with an ounce of critical faculties... From basic 'facts' like claiming to be a doctor when he's nothing of the kind through such inane and mathematically impossible nonsense as his claim to have cured 35,000 cancer patients in his 'European hospitals' which never existed.... And then there's curing Momma-Coldwell of Hepatitis C fifteen years before it was discovered (to say nothing of the fact that his mother's name isn't Coldwell of course) and being in general practice for 16 years when he has admitted himself he is 'not a doctor in Germany'...

Of his 'Nobel Prize', butler, private jet and €1000 lunches I need say nothing...

...But anyway...

As Coldwell's bromance with Donald 'rapist' Trump seems not to have been damaged by the fact Trump is a self-confessed sex criminal <ahem>That forcible fondling complaint against Coldwell</ahem> his desperate posting of long since discredited shit becomes ever more frequent and ever more delusional... Unless you think Rense, Endthefed and The National Enquirer are reliable sources that is... In which case I prescribe bashing your head with a housebrick until you come to your senses...

...But anyway...

Here we have a classic bit of Coldwell at his idiotic truth-dodging best... First he posts a totally false report that Pope Francis has endorsed Trump... A report that is debunked thoroughly on the actual fucking page he's linked to and then he immediately posts (for at least the fourth time) a long since debunked claim that the "Snopes CEO was arrested on charges of fraud and corruption" which was debunked EIGHT FUCKING YEARS AGO!..

It seems Coldwell's technique is 'Tell a lie, tell a lie about the people who tell you it's a lie and then lie about having done it'... I very much doubt that many of his moronic followers will have the brain-cells needed to see through such a transparent technique... Lets be honest... If they had any brain-cells they wouldn't be his followers in the first place...

Obviously charlatans and scammers, particularly ones pretending to be medical doctors, aren't going to like anybody who represents the rational, evidence based end of the internet... Truth and evidence are anathema to vile little frauds like him...

... Oh... Speaking of Coldwell's of lies...

No Lenny... You didn't... Like all of your predictions you only predicted it after it happened and then backdated it... Not how predictions work actually my short and grotesquely fat friend...

And it's bollocks too of course...


  1. Sigh. Today (Saturday 29 October) the daft little feller shared that old "Snopes CEO got arrested" article AGAIN. Or, rather "Eyn Rand" shared it. "Leonard Coldwell" couldn't do it because he is currently suspended from Facebook once again.

    Clearly he didn't write the "blog" post announcing his "banning." It looks like Sarah's writing. (The giveaway, I think, is the use of a sentence fragment in the form of a question ("Until then?"). Sarah uses that device a lot.) But whether or not it was Sarah, it obviously wasn't Lenny. The giveaway is the basic literacy evident in the post.

    I tried to comment on the post, under my own name as I have tried several times previously, but I doubt that my comment will be published. Here is what I wrote:

    'Oh, it's the same old whine again, isn't it? First off, "Dr." C clearly didn't write this post, because it is too literate. I'm guessing from the writing style that it's you, Sarah. He should let you do all of his posting for him; that way people wouldn't constantly be making fun of him for his illiteracy. But he probably couldn't afford your fee, and I'm sure you have better things to do anyway.

    'Secondly, Coldwell isn't exactly being forced into silence. He has numerous other pages that are still active, such as his German-language "Dr. Leonard Coldwell" page and of course the infamous "Eyn Rand," whom we all know is actually Coldwell himself. Then there are several other pages that were initiated in 2014 but that he seems to have forgotten.

    'Third and most importantly, Coldwell was not banned from Facebook but was suspended, as he has been many times before, but it wasn't for his support of Trump. I'm guessing that it is for his hateful rants about Muslims and blacks and LGBT people. No doubt someone reported him. (Wasn't me, though. I say let him rant away, because it merely exposes him for who and what he really is.)

    'If he had been "banned" from Facebook for expressing support for Trump, then everyone who writes posts supporting Trump would also be "banned." And that is clearly not the case. There are tons of Trump-for-President pages and discussions on Facebook. Some of the participants say the vilest things imaginable about Trump's opponents and they are allowed to write freely, as I believe they should be. And I have Facebook friends who shout out their support of Trump every day; some even pop onto my timeline to jeer at me for NOT supporting their idol Trump. Unlike Coldwell, I allow dissent on my forums.

    'So Coldwell's claim about being booted from Facebook because of his support for Trump is pure unadulterated poppycock. And you know it. And "Dr." C knows it. And most of the world (at least, that tiny portion of the population who has actually heard of "Dr." C) knows it too.'

  2. Is it just me or is Cathy Coldwell failing to live up to his claim that his fem persona 'Eyn' would make 50% of his / her posts in English and 50% in the Hunn-Tongue?

    According to my (not very) scientific analysis at least 90% of his posts are in German even when he's not suspended from his version of the English language account.

    Incidentally I see he's boasting about the 'reach' of his posts while totally failing to understand exactly what that means. As far as I can tell the vast majority of his scatter-gun posts get zero likes and zero reposts.
