Friday, 24 February 2017

Yeah... Leonard Coldwell is still a Nazi....

There's still very little to report from Lenny-Land... He seems to have been banned from his English language 'Leonard Coldwell' Facebook post and I've just reported his 'Ayn Rand' profile but just to keep you up to date...

He's still a Nazi...

And given his previous stated hatred of transgender folk and love of the Republican party he's still clearly still not reading what he posts...

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Just in case you'd forgotten that Leonard Coldwell is a Nazi....

Hello dear readers... Have you missed me?

Yes it's been quite a while since my last post and there are two good reasons for that... First and foremost is the fact that I've been down with the worst case of the flu I've ever had... As a way of losing weight it's very effective but on the whole I'd rather not have bothered. The second reason for my lack of posts is that quite frankly Lenny's not really posted anything worthy of comment. Reposting fake news stories doesn't really count... The internet is full of cretins posting links to obviously bullshit stories and given the fact that few of Lenny's Facebook posts attract more than a slack handful of 'likes' I don't really think he's worth bothering with.

But anyway... Just in case you'd temporarily lost track of the fact that Leonard The-Not-Doctor Coldwell was a Nazi here's a couple of posts from earlier today...