Saturday, 15 April 2017

In which Lenny thinks he's doing Facebook a favour....

Well it looks like Leonard Coldwell, the world's leading pretend doctor and all round fraud is back in the harness as far as Facebook is concerned anyway.

It's much of the same.... Ridiculous boasts, racism and bullshit but this one is worth mentioning...

I hope that the sheer insanity of thinking you can unilaterally impose conditions or a "fine [of] one trillion dollars" on somebody who gives you a FREE means of promoting your drivel and bollocks doesn't need pointing out to my intelligent readers.

In other news it seems Lenny is claiming to have 32,000 members of his Idiocy Based Money Scam in Europe... That would make it 32,000 more members than the recently abandoned USA branch of the scam and it would make it truly strange that his Hanover 'event' two weeks ago wash a total washout.

I'm fairly certain that the above picture was taken at last weekend's big 'alt med' festival rather than a Lenny based operation but one thing really bothers me about this no doubt wonderful meal...  Where the fuck are the chairs?

Saturday, 8 April 2017

Leonard Coldwell and Donald Trump... Honeymoon over... Divorce inevitable.

It's always sad when a marriage ends... The disappointment, the recriminations, the realisation that the love has gone and the object of your love was never the person you thought they were in the first place.

Sad it is then that Not-A-Doctor Leonard Coldwell's long term romance with Donald Trump has come to an end. It was in truth always completely predictable that their marriage would end this way because the love only ever flowed from Lenny to his erstwhile husband... It never flowed back... It was unrequited love.

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Where oh where has Not A Doctor Leonard Coldwell gone?

Oh where, oh where can he be?..

Yes, yes... I know I've not posted for the best part of two weeks but I've had more important things to deal with than the comings and goings of a pretend doctor.

But... I do wonder what is going on over in LennyLand where all but one of his Facebook accounts have been silent for a week and his female persona... Eyn Rand... Had posted thisa...

'Technical reasons' sayeth the Kraut Kwack... I wonder what that means in reality...

What is particularly surprising is that three days ago on 1st April (how appropriate) he was supposedly hosting another one (actually only the second) of his not-to-be-missed Idiocy Based Money Scam Germany seminars in Hamburg or Hanover of something beginning mit ein 'H' and yet he's not so much as mentioned it. Normally at this point he'd be crowing about the success of his scam but this time... Nuffink.

I can't help but wonder if the event actually went ahead or whether Germany is now totally wise to the fraudulent little fucker and he has abandoned the whole thing... Keeping what money his few marks have parted with of course.

I commented at the time of his last 'seminar' on the piss-poor turn-out of around 30 out of the 20,000 or so members he claimed to have. I'm guessing that virtually none of the 30 or so would be stupid enough to pay twice for the same shit or continue to pay their membership fees once they realise that Coldwell doesn't actually have anything to sell but third rate motivational crap they can get anywhere for nowt.

Now speaking of the IBMS scam I noticed that the original (and I use that word in its widest possible sense) IBMS USA has now officially gone down the pan...  
"We reached our limit for USA Members. Sorry at this time we cannot accept further Member Applications for english speaking Members."
...he says...

Of course this is nothing but complete bullshit unless his definition of "reaching our limit" is "have no members whatsoever". In reality IBMS USA never really got off the ground in the first place and most of the few members it did have initially were people who were members of the collapsed GIN scam (which Coldwell was a willing promoter of until he was sacked by Kevin Trudeau) who clearly didn't learn their lesson the first time.

I have theorised in some of my previous posts that Lenny was no longer resident in the USA and had moved back to Germany. Now I may have just missed it but I recently found yet another website run by the sawn off little crook going by the name of 'dr coldwell seminars' which is entirely in German... Hmmm.... Interesting...

Is The Land of The Free's loss Germany's burden? Stay tuned....