Yes... The delusional porker is now claiming that not only does he have an insider inside BIG FARMER he also has and insider on the inside of the New World Order.
The full quote from Leonard Lies
"My personal post for today:
I know from and inside source that there is a massive in-fight within the NWO going on. NOW is our time to strike back. Inform Educate, take responsibility, control and charge over your own life. Become a member of the ONLY organization that can and will protect you. There is safety and Power in numbers! We just got more members in Germany and Austria in 2 days than in 4 years in America. They are awake and they are ready to fight back."
And what is the ONLY organisation that can and will protect you from the entirely imaginary NWO? It is of course his trademarked, only organisation of its type, proven over decades, five hundred bucks to join and a grand a year membership fees (not refundable), GIN knock-off, IBMS or Idiotic Bullshit Making-money-for-the-poisonous-dwarf System... What else could it possibly be.
And there was me hoping he was going to storm the UN building, or the Whitehouse, or FEMA HQ, or the Vatican or wherever it is the NWO is hanging out these days. The idea of that little f**ker "fighting back" is hysterical. Judging by the state of his ever expanding waist-line he doesn't look like he could fight back against the girl guides without having a coronary... But hey... Posting on Facebook is almost like fighting back isn't it?.. No... You're right... It's nothing like fighting back and everything like sitting on your lazy fat f**king arse and trying to drum up business for your pitiful scam... Close but no coconut.
Now... I have to say... While we are on the subject of inside information that my inside source says that Lenny's Idiocy Based Money-loss System has been nothing short of an embarrassing failure with a total membership figure somewhere in the region of the square root of f**k all... So having more members in Germany and Austria isn't that difficult... Not that I believe that anyway...
Oh... And another thing... Another one of my inside sources tells me that those pictures you have been punting of you in front of a huge crowd like the one you used in the Facebook post...
... are actually several years old and date back to when you were still sucking on Kev Trudeau's GIN teat and that when it comes to filling a room with IBMS members you'd struggle to fill a f**king broom cupboard... Without needing to take the f**king brooms out... And if another one of my inside sources are to be believed that's about all you could afford to f**king hire.