Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Lenny The Immigrant Rails Against Immigrants... Again...

Yes... The Natural Born Citizen recent immigrant and full time shyster and racist has been posting racist shit on his Facebook page again...

Try to guess which of these posts is his and which is my version which says exactly the same thing in effect... First prize a second hand copy of the Clodwell book of your choice... Subject to me being able to get it second hand off Amazon for under a quid... You pay postage... Offer may or may not be honoured at my absolute discretion...

Just for the record... I honestly have nothing against Germany or Germans and I certainly don't hold today's Germans to be responsible for the Nazis, the holocaust or even for Leonard Coldwell... Some of my best friends are German... Well... One close acquaintance and a guy I've not seen for 30 years but the principle still holds...

This is NOT me....

But it is f**king funny...

Nor am I particularly pro-Muslim... I think all religions are equally stupid... But I believe the US has a little thing called The Constitution... Lenny goes on about it enough and I believe it has a thing called The First Amendment which guarantees freedom of religion...

Lenny... If you ever read this.... And I sincerely hope you do... You are an IMMIGRANT you stupid, fat plank and you live in a country which, like the UK, wouldn't even exist in its current form if it weren't for mass immigration. Being white and a pretend Christian doesn't make you a part of the f**king master-race or give you any more right to move to the US than a Somali Muslim... If you REALLY don't like immigrants that much I suggest you pack your bags and f**k off back to Germany and leave the continental United States to what's left of the Native Americans... 

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Lenny's Lies... Another smoking gun...

I am indebted to fellow bloggist and Lenny-fan Cosmic Connie and her whirled musings for inspiring today's post.

Connie has been following and reporting the antics of Germany's worst social faux pas since another small man with a stupid 'tash said he could "make the trains run on time" for many years and has been the butt of the weasely little butt-head's butt-hurt on many occasions. Over the years Connie has put up with death threats, gratuitous and rampantly misogynistic abuse and cretinous accusations of killing Lenny's mutt amongst other things and lately an obviously vexatious lawsuit and harassment by his incompetent and apparently insane 'legal team'... But she's still here... And still biting Coldwell's arse... Pop over to her cosmic realm and say 'Hi!'


Connie posted a link a link to Loony's German language IBMS (Idiocy Based Morons School) website which, apart from looking like it was designed by a colour blind platypus contains these stirring words.... Don't worry... Theres a translation later..

"Diese Webseite wird von Amerika aus nach amerikanischen Recht betrieben. Der Server und das Webteam sind in der USA.

Basierend auf einem alten Hitler Gesetz, darf ein Ausländer seinen rechtmässigen Doktortitel in Deutschland nicht führen.

Bedingt durch den Fakt, dass Leonard Coldwell keine Nostrifikation in Deutschland beantragt hat und in Deutschland auch nicht als Doktor tätig ist, trägt er diesen Titel nicht in Deutschand. Alle Referenzen auf seinem Doktortitel sind dashalb nur in der USA gültig. Er führt diesen Titel auch nur in der USA. Dr. Leonard Coldwell hat keinen Einfluss darauf, wie ihn andere nennen oder anreden.

Der Spitzname Dr. C ist ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen und rechtlich als TM Geschützt. Es kann nicht als Titel gewertet werden, zumal wir hier klar darauf hinweisen, dass Dr. Leonard Coldwell, NC, USA, seine in den USA rechtmässigen Titel und Anerkennungen nicht in Deutschland trägt. Dr. C ist ein Motivations und Selbsthilfe Coach."

 Excellent stuff I'm sure you'll agree but if, like me, you failed your German O Level... Or to be more accurate didn't even bother turning up... It'll probably make more sense in English... And if you don't understand English you're probably on the wrong blog... So here's a free translation thanks to people who understand the Hun-Tongue slightly better than I...

"This website is based in America and governed by US law. The server and web-team are in the US.

Based on an old Hitler law, a foreigner must not lead to its rightful doctorate in German(?)

Due to the fact that Leonard Coldwell has not requested any recognition of his degrees  in Germany and does not act as a doctor in Germany he does not have the title of doctor in Germany. All references to his doctorate are therefore only valid in the US. Dr Leonard Coldwell has no influence over what other's call him or the titles they give him.
The nickname Dr. C is a registered trademark and protected by law as a trademark. It can not be regarded as a title, especially as we have clearly indicated here that Dr. Leonard Coldwell (is in) NC, United States and lawful US titles and recognitions are not (necessarily) valid in Germany.

Dr. C is a motivational and self-help coach"

So there you have it... From the horses arse mouth... "Doctor" Coldwell is not a doctor... He's a coach

You also have to admire the sheer front of creating a website plastered with "Doctor" and "Dr" left right and centre and then claiming it's not your fault if people call you "Doctor" even if you're not exactly a real doctor in the first place.

But there's another way, way, way bigger problem here.... He's claiming he's not sought German recognition for his 'degrees' which is to be expected as he doesn't have any apart from a psychology 'doctorate' from Columbia State University, a long defunct diploma mill and an equally dodgy honorary doctor of humanities from the equally dodgy Louisiana Baptist University. The big problem, as far as Lenny's bullshit is concerned is his own claim on his own bio website that...


"On the advice of Naturalization and Immigration Service experts, Dr. Coldwell had his German Education accredited in the USA. His German Education combined with some mandatory coures in the US gained him accreditation and board certification in the USA."
 So on the one hand he's claiming to have converted his German qualifications into American qualifications but on the other hand he says he's not converted them back again into German qualifications... What happened to the original German qualifications Leonard? 

Now... I must admit that just like Lenny I don't have a degree, a masters or a doctorate... I have six average O levels, a cycling proficiency badge and an expired H.G.V licence... But I know people who do have all of those things and I'm pretty sure that when a foreign system accepts your evidence of learnedness... Is that even a word?.. They don't tear up your doctorate and give you a new one... It's not like changing currency where you swap your Pounds Sterling for USD... You actually get to keep both...

So we've established that as far as German law is concerned he's not a doctor and does not have the right to call himself a doctor... But don't I remember him saying...
"After sixteen years as a General Practitioner in Europe, Dr. Coldwell left general practice to concentrate on his applied research in stress and stress related diseases, with particular emphasis on cancer and other so-called incurable diseases."
Yes.. I f**king do... That's all over the intertubes including his own webshites... So which is it Lenny? Were you lying when you claimed to have been in general practice for 16 years or did you practice medicine without any qualifications for 16 years... Actually we all know what the answer is... You're a bare-face liar who can't keep his story straight for ten seconds.

Oh... And by the way... Perhaps you might want to edit your utterly pathetic and incompetently doctored Berlin dentist conference attendance 'certificate' because according to that you were calling yourself "Dr Leonard Coldwell" in Germany in 1994.

Leonard Coldwell... Doesn't know his arse from his elbow and doesn't mind proving it.

Monday, 14 September 2015

Lenny's Lunatic Links...

By way of a change I thought today I'd bring you something I know all 100,000 of my eager readers have been clamouring for... Seriously... I've received over 250,000 emails and they all say... "Doggy... What we really need is a summary of what 'The World's Leading Expert on Cancer Bullshitter' has been posting on Facebook"... And who am I to question 500,000 loyal fans? So here, for all 42 million of you is an easy to use table of Loony Lenny's inane posts for the last seven days...



Well it's been another good week for ridiculous conspiracy theories with a nice tendency over the last week to report on the possibility (or delusional fantasy more like) that Americans are clamouring for a military coup.... Which is... Apparently... A good thing... How this fits in with Lenny's other theories about the impending martial law is not entirely clear. Cancer has put in a very poor week considering the claimed 'expertise' of the 'host'. Just a few minerals and not so much as a sign of Lenny's ONLY cure for cancer.

Nice to see chemtrails getting a couple of mentions... They could feel justifiably proud of themselves if it weren't for the fact they don't exist.

Actual evidence that Lenny is a doctor rather than a corpulent, delusional, psychotic dwarf, has failed to appear for a record-breaking 243rd consecutive week... So little change there.

Other topics have been much as predicted last week... Honestly... I predicted it last week but this blog was hacked / deleted by the CIA / something to do with Jews... Where was I?...

Oh yeah... Other topics about normal for this time of year with a slight boost to the evil liberals category from the gay agenda wanting the equal rights the constitution grants them... (bad thing)... And... You know... Actually receive the paperwork to get married like THE F**KING SUPREME COURT OF THE F**KING UNITED F**KING STATES OF AMERICA" says they are legally f**king entitled to. This is... According to Loopy-Len a crime against Christians... Like he'd know... He's about as Christian as my Saluki... 

But I digress... Or maybe not...

The real winners this week I think are Muslims / Immigrants / Terrorists which, in what passes for Coldwell's brain, are all the same thing... In at number two with a very creditable 21 posts devoted to them and their evil, anti-civilisation, brown-skinned ways...

I'm not even vaguely surprised at the Not-Doctor's attitude to the refugee (yes... refugee... not 'migrant') 'crisis' in Europe.. He's shown himself to be a small-minded, intolerant bigot many times in the past but I do wonder if he's actually looked up the word 'immigrant'...


[im-i-gruh nt]


    1. a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence.

    That's YOU Bernd Klein / Witchner you f**king SCHMUCK!!... You were born in Germany and now live in the USofA... In what possible f**king universe are you NOT an immigrant?.. Do you think people won't notice you're an immigrant because you're going by a new, non-teutonic, W.A.S.Pesque name? Maybe they won't... Right up until you open that weasely little lying mouth of yours and start spouting your bullshit...  Then they'll notice your comedy Herr Flick of Zee Gestapo accent and you're rumbled.

    Just for you Lenny I've produced this handy aide memoire that you can print out, have laminated, and keep in your wallet with all of those 'accredation' cards you collect at $100 a go from those 'unaccredited but very prestigious' Quacks-R-Us seats of learning... Next time you think about reposting something about how dreadful immigrants are, and wonder "Hang on... Am I an immigrant?"... You can consult this card and have a bit of an old think about it... I know your brain doesn't work very well so it might be as well to get Sarah to sharpen a crayon for you and write "Ya! Ich bin eine immigrant" on the back. Or maybe get somebody to ghost-write it for you like you do with your 'multi-best-selling' books.

    So that about winds it up for this week's analysis but before I go I'd like to mention Lenny's favourite minority group... The Jews...

    Come on goys and gals... You only got six mentions already... Oy vey!

    Those Christian children aren't going to sacrifice themselves and it's been over 2000 years since you murdered the son of god... You're resting on your laurels so lets make 5776 a year of protocol-writing, world-war-starting, being-eternal and... if you get around to it.... Could you open a Jewish deli in Hull... You can't get a decent salt-beef bagel here for love nor money...

    Shanah Tovah Umetukah


    The outlook for the next seven days is generally depressing with outbreaks of utter insanity... Expect racist intervals with complete bullshit and lies adding to an overall picture of mind-numbing tedium... Grandiose claims of world-class genius towards the end of the week with a very slim chance of legal action and f**k all chance he'll get that Nobel prize he's supposed to have.

    Tuesday, 8 September 2015

    Lenny Says... Something else historically inaccurate...

    I really do despair sometimes... I don't despair that Little Loopy Lenny posts bollocks on his Facebook profile... That's what the little butter-ball does... But I despair that people actually believe this sort of crap.

    Was margarine really invented to fatten turkeys and does it kill them? Errrr.... No to both...

    As usual a quick check on the internetz gives the true story... It was invented in France 200 years ago as... Guess what... A substitute for butter... Well there's a f**king surprise... Whooda thunkit?

    Friday, 4 September 2015

    Lenny says... Doctors are being jailed for curing cancer....

    Lenny The Not Doctor has been very quiet of late as far as I can tell... Or maybe I've just read too much of his shit and my brain is filtering out his drivel... As he still seems to have his penchant for posting idiotic links on Facebook... Just as long as they relate to some old baloney or conspiracy theory bollocks that is... Even if they contradict each other...  I've been a bit short of new material and I can't currently face listening to his comedy accent or seeing his piggy face on YouTube... But this is a classic bit of Loony Lenny crap which proves that he either doesn't follow his own advice about using Google or, more likely, doesn't give a f**k whether what he posts is true or not as his rapidly dwindling audience will believe any old shite he spouts.

    Anyhoo... There IS a Cancer Act 1939 but unfortunately for Tubby Coldwell everything else in his inane post is a load of old f**king bollocks.

    The Cancer Act 1939 is an act of parliament in Britain and applies ONLY to England, Wales and Scotland (but not Northern Ireland curiously enough... Dunno why)... In common with every other piece of British legislation... Or British legislation since we generously allowed America to have its independence at any rate... And some still say that was a bad move... It doesn't actually apply to the good old these here there United States of America.

    So there you have it as far as jurisdiction goes... No doctor in the USA has ever been jailed under The Cancer Act 1939 for curing cancer for the simple reason that it doesn't apply there... So spot on the money as always there then Lenny... You putz!

    Moving on to the actual act itself... Does it really stop medical practitioners advising their patients on treatment and is it really "a criminal act to cure cancer" over here in the UK?.. Of course it f**king isn't and never f**king has been... As always the good fake doctor is talking out of his big, fat, lazy f**king arse...

    This is what section 4 of The Cancer \Act 1939 says... And section 4 is the only substantial part still in force...

    (1)No person shall take any part in the publication of any advertisement—
    (a)containing an offer to treat any person for cancer, or to prescribe any remedy therefor, or to give any advice in connection with the treatment thereof; or
    (b). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
    (2)If any person contravenes any of the provisions of the foregoing subsection, he shall be liable on summary conviction, in the case of a first conviction, to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale], and, in the case of a subsequent conviction, to a fine not exceeding Level 3 on the standard scale or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months, or to both such a fine and such imprisonment.
    (3). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    (4)In any proceedings for a contravention of subsection (1) of this section, it shall be a defence for the person charged to prove—
    (a)that the advertisement to which the proceedings relate was published only so far as was reasonably necessary to bring it to the notice of persons of the following classes or of one or some of them, that is to say,—
    (i)members of either House of Parliament or of a local authority or of a governing body of a voluntary hospital;
    (ii). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    (iii)registered medical practitioners;
    (iv)registered nurses;
    (v)registered pharmacists and persons lawfully conducting a retail pharmacy business in accordance with section 69 of the Medicines Act 1968;
    (vi)persons undergoing training with a view to becoming registered medical practitioners, registered nurses or registered pharmacists;
    (vii). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
    (b)that the said advertisement was published only in a publication of a technical character intended for circulation mainly amongst persons of the classes mentioned in the last preceding paragraph or one of some of those classes; or
    (c)that the said advertisement was published in such circumstances that he did not know and had no reason to believe that he was taking part in the publication thereof.
    (5)Nothing in this section shall apply in respect of any advertisement published by a local authority or by the governing body of a voluntary hospital or by any person acting with the sanction of the Minister.
     (Note... The spaces and ..................... bits are not my selective editing... Would I do a thing like that? Well... Yeah I would but I haven't here.... They are bits that have been repealed over the years)

    Now can you see anything in there which prevents REAL doctors treating their patients for cancer or advising them on treatment? No.. Because it's not there...

    The act exists to deal with quacks, charlatans and snake-oil salesmen making money by selling worthless treatments to their victims... Now if Clodwell was actually based here in the UK he would be in very serious trouble as his nefarious activities would be clear breach of the act not to mention various other charges he'd face for false advertising, false representations and god knows what else... But he's not he lives in the US which is far more tolerant of quackery than it should be in my opinion.

    For your edification and amusement here's a C+P from wikipedia...

    According to an answer given in the House of Commons on 12 June 2014 there were 21 convictions under the Act between 1984 and 2013, since that date there have been another three.

    Convictions include:
    • Steven Cook, fined £750 with costs of £1,500 in September 2014 for implying that colloidal silver could cure for cancer - the case was brought by Essex Trading Standards
    • Stephen Ferguson, fined £1,750 with £2,500 costs and £120 victim surcharge in May 2014 for claiming that protein shakes and vitamin supplements had cured cancer in two of his patients - case brought by Westminster Trading Standards
    • Errol Denton, fined £1,000 for each of 9 offences, with costs of £9,821 and a victim surcharge of £100 in March 2014 for claiming that live blood analysis, lifestyle changes and herbs could cure cancer[6] - case brought by Westminster Trading Standards
    • Adrian Pengelly, fined £600 with £2,000 costs and £15 victim surcharge in March 2010 for offering distance healing to cure cancer - case brought by Hereford Trading Standards
    • Donna Sims, given a two-year conditional discharge with costs of £1,100 in August 2009 for offering herbal remedies for cancer - case brought by Gloucestershire Trading Standards
    • Healthwize UK, fined £2,000 with £2,235 costs in March 2009 for selling ellagic acid with claims that it could inhibit the growth of cancer cells - case brought by Derbyshire Trading Standards
    • Andrew Harris, who sold Triamazon via the Internet, received a two-year conditional discharge with £350 costs in September 2008 - case brought by Trafford Trading Standard
    I wonder if this has anything to do with the non-occurrence of Mocktor Clodwell's European tour of 2015... I would have happily dobbed him in to the authorities if he'd come to this green and sceptical land pushing his bullshit.

    So there you have it... Another monumental display of fractal wrongness from everybody's favourite, fat, lying, ignorant fraud.

    Oh... Here's a grab of the post in case he deletes it...