Wednesday 16 September 2015

Lenny The Immigrant Rails Against Immigrants... Again...

Yes... The Natural Born Citizen recent immigrant and full time shyster and racist has been posting racist shit on his Facebook page again...

Try to guess which of these posts is his and which is my version which says exactly the same thing in effect... First prize a second hand copy of the Clodwell book of your choice... Subject to me being able to get it second hand off Amazon for under a quid... You pay postage... Offer may or may not be honoured at my absolute discretion...

Just for the record... I honestly have nothing against Germany or Germans and I certainly don't hold today's Germans to be responsible for the Nazis, the holocaust or even for Leonard Coldwell... Some of my best friends are German... Well... One close acquaintance and a guy I've not seen for 30 years but the principle still holds...

This is NOT me....

But it is f**king funny...

Nor am I particularly pro-Muslim... I think all religions are equally stupid... But I believe the US has a little thing called The Constitution... Lenny goes on about it enough and I believe it has a thing called The First Amendment which guarantees freedom of religion...

Lenny... If you ever read this.... And I sincerely hope you do... You are an IMMIGRANT you stupid, fat plank and you live in a country which, like the UK, wouldn't even exist in its current form if it weren't for mass immigration. Being white and a pretend Christian doesn't make you a part of the f**king master-race or give you any more right to move to the US than a Somali Muslim... If you REALLY don't like immigrants that much I suggest you pack your bags and f**k off back to Germany and leave the continental United States to what's left of the Native Americans... 


  1. As you've no doubt seen on his Facebook, Lenny continues to spew the hate. On September 17 he posted a link to a video titled, "Germany is Already Feeling the Effects of its Open Door Policy." His own comment was, "The USA is next." But what was really amusing was that the link shared is to a very pro-Israeli site -- you might even call it Zionist -- that naturally has nothing good to say about Muslims. Lenny is an equal opportunity hater and is not above mining resources from one group of people he hates to slam another group of people he hates.

    Judging by another recent Facebook post, he is also all ready to adopt a young kid who put up an anti-Obama video, criticizing the U.S. president for inviting Ahmed the clock boy to the White House. The vid kid cited several recent tragedies that, he grouses, didn't get nearly the attention that this Muslim kid got from Obama. He names the recent Chattanooga, Tennessee shooting as an example, apparently miffed (as so many conservatives were) that Obama failed to call it out as an act of Islamic terrorism. Vid kid also gripes because Obama hasn't paid enough attention to all the cops that have been killed recently. Clearly the implication is that Obama is favoring Muslims and promoting terrorism and mayhem.

    So naturally Lenny is ready to scoop that kid up and make him his own. Here is a link to the video:

    As for Loony's enlightened views on immigration, I still think that his classic anti-immig-rant is the one he posted on July 4, 2014, copied exactly as he wrote it (except I inserted the "sic"s]:

    They ( the NWO puppet Obama and the enemies of freedom ) want to destroy our America from the inside out. Like they did it in Germany. They want to destroy our national pride, our way of life, our language and our culture by flooding us with these illegal immigrants. I myself are [sic] an immigrant but it took me 12 years to become naturalized and did cost me thousands of dollars to do it right. And I am a proud American I am proud of the American way I love MY (OUR) country. America is great (the greatest) the american [sic] People are great (the greatest) it is only the crooked government and the criminals and Treasonists in office that are messing it up and giving us a bad name. I AM PROUD TO BE AND [sic] AMERICAN!

    The petition was to Congress, asking them to fight plans to house illegal aliens across the country. Frankly I think Lenny has done more to destroy "our" language with his semi-literate rambling than any Latino/Hispanic immigrant could ever manage to do.

  2. He really does seem to be going on a flat-out bender to post the most obnoxious, bigoted filth he can find doesn't he? And this is a man who wants people to believe he is a clinician and a humanitarian... He reminds me of the British ex-pats living in Spain who write letters to The Daily Mail (a notorious right wing hate sheet) complaining about immigrants (to the UK), the unemployed, political correctness and how the country is going to the dogs. They never actually come back to the UK or pay UK taxes but they are happy to keep voting in UK elections and soon come crawling back when they are ill and want the NHS to pick up the bill for them.

    I suppose it is quite comforting that while Lenny keeps posting his hateful screeds there are very few responses from his fans and it appears that to all intents and purposes he might as well be talking to himself.
