World renowned pretend doctor Leonard Coldwell... Formerly Bernd Witchner... Formerly Bernd Klein... Has a long history of adding new and entirely imaginary achievements to his CV which is why one entirely bogus PhD soon became one entirely bogus PhD and three imaginary PhDs... Such is Lenny's pathological inability to distinguish between reality, lies and preposterous tall stories which nobody in their right minds would believe for a nanosecond.
His penchant for wild flights of fantasy is probably no better illustrated than his patently ridiculous claim that he cured 35,000 patients of cancer during his time in Europe. You only need a grasp of basic arithmetic to realise this is totally impossible and yet it's a claim he has been making for years. Not content with spouting totally impossible bullshit today he's 'enhanced' the story with extra bells and whistles...
It started thus...
In short he's plugging another one of his idiotic seminars for morons with more money than sense.
This one is in Germany where, it appears, he has been living since the beginning of the year... Which is odd now that his hero The Orange Oaf is POTUS but I'll put that down to the unemployment benefits being more generous in the old country than the new world...
Where was I?... Oh yeah... All you have to do is transfer €999 to his bank account for this life changing opportunity to listen to the deranged ramblings of a third rate charlatan.
But anyway...
Further down the page we have this spiel...
Yes folks... There it is... A new enhancement to the old cretinous lie... Now it's not a boring old 35,000 patients but a new and improved
66,000 and now the 'studies' aren't just from his old mate Tommy Hohn but also 'doctor' Crone and 'professor' Wilkening.
And then theres a load of the usual bollocks... You know... Curing mummy of Hep C decades before it was discovered blah blah blah... Same shit, different figures, different days... But still all lies...