Tuesday, 29 December 2015

In which Lenny spends xmas alone...

Poor old Lenny... While most of us were spending Christmas with our friends and/or family eating, drinking and making merry our hearts full of love for our fellow man... Lenny was sitting alone in his run down North Carolina hovel posting hate to the internet....

Including this classic...

 Obviously Lenny subscribes to this YouTube channel which is why he posted a link just one day after the video was out up... Other classy videos on this channel cover the full range of conspiraloon bollocks and stuff which is... Quite frankly... Totally insane... See for yourself...

Anyway... I'm still in a holiday mood so f**k him and his Hitler-Loving bollocks... And complements of the season to my readers.

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

In which Lenny reverts to anti-semitic type....

After yesterday's post I'm happy to report that Not-A-Doctor Coldwell is back on bigoted form with this idiotic post...

Obviously Lenny's deeply ingrained anti-semitism, poor grasp of English and breathtaking lack of intelligence prevent him spotting that the 'interview' is... Like his 'qualifications'... Obviously fake.

Here's the blurb under the YouTube video...

And here are the titles of some other videos from the same guy...

  • Hitler explains the international Jewish problem.
  • Michael Jasckson's opinion about Jews - They are leeches.
  • Marlon Brando - Jews Control Hollywood
  • Isreali minister. We always use the anti-semitism trick or bring up the holocaust.
  • President Nixon on the Jewish question
  • Stop the genocide of European mankind - David Duke.
  • I don't date outside my race.
...All of which link to theforbiddentruth website of which Lenny is obviously a keen reader... It is of course a rabidly right-wing and antisemitic disgrace... Just like Lenny the Liar.

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

In which Lenny tries to white-wash his reputations... Maybe... Maybe not...

Since Lenny's enforced absence from Facebook due to them censoring him and yada, yada, yada, bullshit, bullshit, blah, blah, blah he seems to have gone rather quiet. Not only that he has been posting links which suggest he's either turned over a new leaf (highly unlikely), is trying not to get permabanned (quite likely) or... He's trying to white-wash away his ingrained bigotry, racism, anti-Semitism and general hatred for anybody who's not Trump, Putin or a fat, fake, frudulant doctor from Germany... That's ingrained bigotry, racism, anti-Semitism and general hatred for anybody who's not Trump, Putin or a fat, fake, frudulant doctor from Germany which has been very publicly pearoasted all over teh internetz by me, Connie, Bernie and Jason....

How else do you explain these two totally out of character posts today?

Of course there are other possibilities... Perhaps Amy or Sarah or whatever other unfortunate deaf, blind and mad female happens to be doing the underpants boogie with the delusional butterball has been posting on his behalf... like when he tried to get Sarah B to edit his rationalwiki article and she forgot to edit the email headers...  

"please put on wiki page thx sis
Sunday, August 24, 2014 2:34 PM Mark as Unread Flag this message
From: "Dr Leonard Coldwell" <dr.leonardcoldwell@gmail.com>
To: "Sarah Barendse" <S_J_Barendse@yahoo.com>"


Or perhaps he's playing for a better position when his $700,000 'legal team' launch their next ill-conceived defamation suit...

Or perhaps he's just seen 'KKK' and 'Hitler' and thought "Oh... I like them... <copypasta>... Without actually reading the articles...

Or perhaps his account's been hacked again...


Just so nobody forgets what he's really like...

Friday, 18 December 2015

...In which Lenny proves he doesn't understand irony... Or does he?

Well it's been a good week on the NotDoctor Leonard Coldwell front because he's had his Facebook access knobbled by the CIA/NWO/Rotshchild/Jews/PigFarma swines who run it... Which has given me a week off... Which is nice...

But now he's back posting shit again and whining about not being able to post his posts full of posts about Obama and things... Obviously it was his posts about Obama 'the negro muslim' that got his account suspended and nothing at all to do with his constant stream of hate-speech...

Anyhoo... It's often said... By the English at least... That Americans simply don't get irony and the Germans don't have any sense of humour whatsoever... Not a view I adhere to but as Loopy Len the Not A Doctor is both a German and a proud and patriotic American (Look... I'm sorry Americans but if you will give ignorant f**kwits citizenship that's your fault not mine...) he does actually prove both theories correct... Well... In his individual case anyway... Because he posted this...

Now Lenny has shown himself to be both a Trump fan and a Putin fan... The first I assume is because they are both fat, bald, ignorant racists with massive egos and the second... Well... I'm f**ked if I know why to be honest but he clearly hasn't noticed that calling Putin "The world's greatest statesman" might just possibly be sarcasm.

But wait!!!

Maybe he does understand irony and that's the reason he posted this...

 Because of course Lenny "The Great Humanitarian with a Doctorate in Humanities from an unaccredited but very prestigious university" Coldwell has always been a champion of equal rights for all regardless of race, creed or colour...

Apart from these times over the last month or so...

So yes... Loopy Lenny... Not a racist at all EXCEPT HE F**KING IS A RACIST and a nasty minded little bigot.

...But then perhaps I shouldn't point out that Leonard Coldwell is a racist, an anti-Semite, a bigot or any of the other nasty things I say about the lying, conning, psychotic, sawn-off, fat little fraud because he might get his new 'legal team' to sue me... Like his last totally incompetent / obviously lied to / just plain full of shit "(Former) Internet Defamation Experts" legal team sued Connie and pretended to sue Jason, Rationalwiki and whois.com...

...Now obviously the last thing I want is to be dragged into court by the weasely little butter-ball waste of human DNA and his $700,000 per annum legal team... Nah... Not really... Bernd... Sorry... Leonard... Please, please, please SUE ME YOU LYING, DUPLICITOUS, SCAMMING, RACIST, ANTI-SEMITIC, HOMOPHOBIC, MISOGYNIST, CORPULENT, SLAP-HEADED, PIG-IGNORANT LITTLE ARSEHOLE QUACK... You'd have to sue me in England of course but it's well known that libel settlements in England are HUGE!!!!.. But you'd have to win first and you'd last about 30 seconds in the witness-box before you ran out crying like a little bitch when you'd actually have to prove things like you being a doctor, being in general practice for 16 years, being a 'professor of psychology', having 32,000 successes curing cancer and curing your dear mutti of Hep C 15 years before it was discovered... None of which EVER F**KING HAPPENED.

Thursday, 10 December 2015

I'll just leave this here....

More words of wisdom from the man who "was awarded at Congress for his contribution for Humanity and also received an honorary degree as Doctor of Humanities from the highly respected Louisiana Baptist University Diploma Mill"

What a lovely man he is.

About f**king time too...

So there I was early one cold and damp Thursday morning in a sleepy northern England city... Dragged unwillingly from my warm bed to sort out a canine squabble over whose turn it was to sleep in the manky dog chair next to the radiator... Too early to be up but too late to go back to bed... So I thought I'd have my usual breakfast of tea, cigarettes, more tea and more cigarettes and the interwebz...

Off I trot to Facebook to see what was going on with my friends (Nothing... They're all still in bed where I should be)... And have a look at the latest outbursts of hatred, Nazism, racism, anti-Semitism, sexism, rape obsession and all-round-bigotry from everybody's favourite fake fysician... And what do I find?...


 Yep... It seems Facebook have finally got fed up with his rampant hatred for everybody who isn't him and pulled the rug... I'm left wondering whether there was a particular post that pushed them over the edge... I did notice a post yesterday where the 'great humanitarian' applauded a pig's head being left in a Muslim prayer room's toilet and something about 'feminist dykes'.... or whether it was the cumulative effect of persistent f**knuttery...

No doubt Lenny will be telling anybody who cares... Both of them... That this is an attack on free speech by the CIA/NWO/Rothschild/FDA/Jewish/whoever controlled Facebook and an attack on his constitutional rights... You know... That constitution he only believes in when it suits him...

As at the time of writing it seems his 'German page' is still up as is his long since abandoned 'business person' page and his also long since abandoned 'Dr Leonard Coldwell Lovers' page where he claimed, apparently without a hint of irony... To be a 'writer' <snigger>... Oh... And his 'only answer to cancer' page abandoned over a year ago... And he probably has more pages I've not found but for a few hours at least the English speaking world has been spared his bile and hatred...
Edited to add... Actually another possibility has occurred to me... There's always the possibility that Coldwell is gearing up for another ill-advised and ill-executed attempt at gagging his critics with a defamation suit and his elite, $700,000 per annum 'legal team' have told him to remove all the evidence that he's a delusional, psychotic, rape-obsessed, white-supremacist, Hitler loving, homophobic bigot as well as a fake doctor, a liar, a charlatan and quack... But it won't help anyway as I've screen-grabbed all the best stuff including this gem....

And the not-racist-for-a-change but comically-badly-written  appeal from the 'Multi-best-selling author' for crap from his fans to pad out his next book...

Oh... And by the way... If Lenny is reading this... And I suspect his massively inflated ego would all but guarantee he does... Go ahead... Sue me... Finish the fight... Make my day... Punk!

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Lenny says... Women want to be raped.

Following on from his racism, anti-Semitism, Nazi-apologism and other such bollocks Lenny the Not-A-Doctor and holder of an unaccredited but very prestigious Doctor of Humanities stoops to a new new low when he claims "No man can rape a woman anyway if she does not want it and does everything possible to avoid it".

I would say it's unbelievable that he would stoop so low but clearly this is pretty much the sort of nasty minded bullshit I've come to expect from the deranged little psychopath so here's the screen-grab in its full, revolting detail.

I would of course point out that the link is to prisonplanet which makes it worthless from the start and of course there's that whole forcible fondling allegation thing Lenny doesn't like people mentioning and his reported history of making women feel... Shall we say "uncomfortable" in his presence... Personally speaking if I were a woman I wouldn't want to be in the same room as him or anybody who displays such an utterly f**ked up attitude to one half of the species... But then as a man I wouldn't either so... Ya know.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Lenny says... "Ich bin ein lügner, lügner und meine lederhosen ist auf feuer!"

 A few choice claims classic pieces of Coldwell bullshit... Coldshit? Bullwell?... Anyhoo... Another pack of blatant lies which conclusively show the delusional little psychopath doesn't have sufficient self awareness to realise when his grandiose claims make him look like exactly what he he is... A f**king idiot never-has-been-and-never-will-be-a-doctor with a massive ego and gargantuan sense of his own importance despite the fact he's no more than a fifth rate quack and scam artist with zero qualifications and no morals.

This taken from Loopy Lenny's German Facebook page..

Number of new members of his Imbecilic Money Bilking Scheme... 100 per week
"Value" of his 'Books and audio programs' when joining the above... €3000
"Value" of each of his 'telephone seminars' free with the above... €500
"Value" of each of his 'live seminars' in Germany free with the above... €14,000

Now when I went to school many, many, many years ago I was the proud recipient of an O level in Economic Principles and if memory serves the definition of 'value' is something along the lines of "That which the market is willing to pay". The idea that anybody would spend €500 to listen to that f**king gobshite on the phone let alone spend €14,000 to actually be in the presence of the loathesome little bullshit merchant beggars belief... But then this of course is LennyLand where the laws of supply and demand don't actually apply and, in common with every other scam artist who has ever lifted a dishonest hand to part suckers from their money.... Worthless shit is worth €€€€s or $$$$s depending on your locale.

No Lenny... Your shit isn't worth what you claim it is because it's the same worthless shit you have been peddling since you cobbled together your half-baked 'theories' many years ago. It's worth SWEET F**K ALL.

But I suppose we shouldn't forget his high living expenses as the world's leading purveyor of worthless shit....

Annual hotel bills... $98,000
Annual bodyguard bills... $380,000
Annual lawyers fees... $700,000
Number of employees... 136

And he obviously thinks people will believe this bollocks... Well I suppose his dwindling number of fans might but anybody with at least a partially functioning cerebellum?... No... Just no.

Mind you... I wonder if the IRS are aware of his multi-million dollar income... Anybody got a phone number for the North Carolina tax man?

Here's the screenshot... Not that you care but I know the little arsehole makes a habit of deleting his shit when he gets called on it...