Well it's been a good week on the NotDoctor Leonard Coldwell front because he's had his Facebook access knobbled by the CIA/NWO/Rotshchild/Jews/PigFarma swines who run it... Which has given me a week off... Which is nice...
But now he's back posting shit again and whining about not being able to post his posts full of posts about Obama and things... Obviously it was his posts about Obama 'the negro muslim' that got his account suspended and nothing at all to do with his constant stream of hate-speech...
Anyhoo... It's often said... By the English at least... That Americans simply don't get irony and the Germans don't have any sense of humour whatsoever... Not a view I adhere to but as Loopy Len the Not A Doctor is both a German and a proud and patriotic American (Look... I'm sorry Americans but if you will give ignorant f**kwits citizenship that's your fault not mine...) he does actually prove both theories correct... Well... In his individual case anyway... Because he posted this...
Now Lenny has shown himself to be both a Trump fan and a Putin fan... The first I assume is because they are both fat, bald, ignorant racists with massive egos and the second... Well... I'm f**ked if I know why to be honest but he clearly hasn't noticed that calling Putin "The world's greatest statesman" might just possibly be sarcasm.
But wait!!!
Maybe he does understand irony and that's the reason he posted this...
Apart from these times over the last month or so...
So yes... Loopy Lenny... Not a racist at all EXCEPT HE F**KING IS A RACIST and a nasty minded little bigot.
...But then perhaps I shouldn't point out that Leonard Coldwell is a racist, an anti-Semite, a bigot or any of the other nasty things I say about the lying, conning, psychotic, sawn-off, fat little fraud because he might get his new 'legal team' to sue me... Like his last totally incompetent / obviously lied to / just plain full of shit "
(Former) Internet Defamation Experts"
legal team sued Connie and pretended to sue Jason, Rationalwiki and whois.com...
...Now obviously the last thing I want is to be dragged into court by the weasely little butter-ball waste of human DNA and his
$700,000 per annum legal team... Nah... Not really... Bernd... Sorry... Leonard... Please, please, please SUE ME YOU LYING, DUPLICITOUS, SCAMMING, RACIST, ANTI-SEMITIC, HOMOPHOBIC, MISOGYNIST, CORPULENT, SLAP-HEADED, PIG-IGNORANT LITTLE ARSEHOLE QUACK... You'd have to sue me in England of course but it's well known that libel settlements in England are HUGE!!!!.. But you'd have to win first and you'd last about 30 seconds in the witness-box before you ran out crying like a little bitch when you'd actually have to prove things like you being a doctor, being in general practice for 16 years, being a 'professor of psychology', having 32,000 successes curing cancer and curing your dear mutti of Hep C 15 years before it was discovered... None of which EVER F**KING HAPPENED.