Saturday, 27 February 2016

In which Lenny displays his rank hypocrisy...

A little gem today which shows The Leipzig Lardbucket either doesn't read what he posts or can't remember what he's said a few days ago... Which is often a problem in the elderly...

This from a man who claims global warming is a scam, socialised healthcare for the poor is a communist abomination and he doesn't / shouldn't have to pay taxes in the first place...

Perhaps what bothers him isn't that his tax-dollar is being spent on war / bailouts / defence but that it is being spent on health / education / renewable energy / the environment...

Or perhaps he thinks money should be spent on 'healthcare' from unqualified quacks like him and his 'hands on healing'...

Mind you I doubt the tax on his pitiful income since Katy gave him the push would pay for much anyway...


  1. Ha. Good points, all. I laughed when I saw that post on his page. Another example of rank hypocrisy, also a very recent entry on his FB page: That meme from the "I f----ng love science" page, quoting Bill Nye the Science Guy saying that race is a phony construct and we are all one. First of all, for Lenny even to imply that he has any idea what science is, much less that he "loves" it, is ludicrous at best. And secondly, the anti-racist message on the meme is soooo NOT Lenny, who as we know has repeatedly railed against the "Negro Muslim" Obama, the restoration of white power, and the crimes committed by the horrible Jews and the rapist Muslims. Perhaps one of his handlers advised him to put that meme up as a counter to the accusations that Lenny is committing hate speech. If so, it's far too little, and far too late.

  2. Yeah... The words "Leonard Coldwell" and "science" don't even belong in the same sentence unless accompanied by the words "Wouldn't know..." and "...if it bit him on the arse".

    Do you think Lenny still has handlers Connie? I've noticed a serious decline in his apparent ability to spell even basic words recently which makes me wonder if he's lost whatever editing support he had in the past.

    Or perhaps it's just senility...

  3. I think Sarah B still handles some of his social media and website matters, and I'm sure he has a sprinkling of other folks who perform various tasks to help him maintain his platforms, such as they are. Even so he may very well have either personally posted or approved the memes that seem so very non-Lenny, perhaps in a half-hearted attempt to make his critics "wrong." His reasons for doing so could either be to build a case against people whom he claims are painting him in a "false light," or to keep Facebook from banning him again -- or perhaps both. But as I said... too little, too late. He has a well-documented history of being a vicious, ignorant hater, and that's not going to go away because of the odd meme or post now and then.

  4. This is probably worth a new post, but did you see Loony's sneering comment in his post about a guy who is supposedly "Denmark's leading Muslim imam," who recommended death for "infidels" and for women who cheat on their hubbies? Even though there is the expected implied judgment against the Imam and, by extension, the horrors of Sharia Law, Lenny also couldn't resist throwing in a judgment against the women who potentially might be murdered. Hey, they cheated, so they're automatically sluts, and maybe they even deserve death, eh, Lenny? Is that what you're saying?

    But not a word about the "infidels" who might be slaughtered, in accordance with the Imam's reported declaration. And, of course, not a word about *men* who cheat on their wives, since that is apparently not an offense either in the Imam's eyes or in Lennyland.

    Coldwell's misogyny almost always manages to shine through, even when he's verbally beating up on another demographic besides women.

  5. Thanks Connie.... I've just screen-grabbed that and will post it here later just for posterity.

    What a truly loathsome f**ker he is.
