Thursday 1 September 2016

Lenny Lashes Out... Preview...

It seems this blog is rattling the cage of Never-Has-Been-And-Never-Will-Be-A-Doctor Leonard Coldwell so it's nice to know he reads it (or... judging by his execrable English language skills has it read to him)...

Well... I'm assuming that as Connie, Bernie or SD have been having a well deserved rest and not posted much over the summer it's this blog that has fuelled Lenny's important rage.

This is what he's posted on his German language Facebook account...

"For all the jealous people, stupid people and other losers: Full of pride we spit in your face:"
He then continues with another 1300 words of 'biography', self-aggrandisement, ludicrous, and contradictory, claims, figures pulled directly out of his arsehole and blatant lies...

And more whining about his enemies...
"...the attacks are always without substance or evidence, based on lies: 'these people' even somewhere on the internet have placed under a false name and then refer to etc. Never was a jealous people or paid detractor any of his false accusations against Dr Leonard Coldwell, prove it. There is not a single proof of the correctness of this false accusations. The opponents of the natural health, create a libellous websites full of lies and if the then be sued, simply do under other false names on. They're all from the pharma or medicine hired and paid or are just little jealous losers and losers."
To be honest I don't have the time to dissect his idiocy in depth at the moment but I'll try to get it done over the weekend and it's worth waiting for...

Call back soon for the full post or sign up to my Twitter feed.

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