Thursday 26 January 2017

Fake Doctor Leonard Coldwell disagrees with The Moron Of The Free World....

A few weeks ago...

A few hours ago...

All over the news few days ago...

Clearly Lenny doesn't read the real news preferring instead to focus on what I believe Trumps advisors call "alternative facts" but what the real world call blatant fucking lies.

Mind you... Anybody who thought Trump would do anything to even slightly inconvenience the oil industry clearly has an IQ in single figures... And I'm not sure Leonard Coldwell the utterly fake doctor could even manage single figures...

I don't expect him to break off his sycophantic bromance with The Orange Oaf any time soon...


  1. I've been wondering about this very matter for months. I wasn't wondering whether Trump would side with Big Oil or the Standing Rock Sioux, because the writing was on the wall as far as I was concerned; rather, I was wondering if/when it would dawn on Lenny, who has spoken up for the indigenous people more than once, that Cheeto Jesus is on the side of Big Oil.

    I also wonder if/when it will dawn on Lenny, who like so many others griped about Hillary Clinton's Wall Street connections, that Trump is more buddy-buddy with Wall Street billionaires than Hillary ever was. He's stocking his Cabinet with Wall Street types and Big Oil loyalists and other "elites," and is about as much of a "voice for the people" as Lenny is a doctor.

    It's possible, however, that Lenny will eventually become disillusioned with Herr Drumpf. He may cut him more slack than he did previous presidents just because of Drumpf's racism and xenophobia and anti-science (including anti-vax) views. But I suspect that eventually Drumpf will do something that will turn Lenny against him -- perhaps Drumpf will exercise a little moderation and sanity in decisions about illegal immigrants. (After all, on the ABC interview that aired on 25 January, Trump said, regarding the matter of splitting up families, that he has a "very big heart" and that he may look the other way with some undocumented sorts, as long as they don't commit crimes.)

    And I remember Lenny writing on a few occasions that once upon a time he was a supporter of Obama. I am not sure if that's true; I've never seen any of his writing or heard any speeches to back that up, other than his declaration that he used to support Obama. If that's the case, it would have been at the very beginning of Obama's first term, and that was a couple of years before I'd even heard of Lenny (oh, those were the days, in more ways than one). But the point is that he eventually became, as we know, a vicious Obama-hater.

    As well, it seems that he has a pattern of personal/business relationships that morph from warm and friendly to adversarial, with Lenny publicly denigrating his former friend/ally. Lenny being the way he is, I suspect that this pattern defines the overwhelming majority of his relationships. The point being that whether it's a from-a-distance bromance or a mutual admiration society, Lenny just can't seem to keep a good thing going.

    So in light of the above, it wouldn't surprise me if he eventually turned on Trump. Not that Trump would notice, because he has no idea that Lenny even exists.

  2. I wonder how long his business relationships will last with the suppliers of the water purifiers, EMF 'shields' and his new line of supplements will last. He's been plugging them heavily today and I assume that they, along with his upcoming IBMS convention, are pretty much his only sources of income now. As far as I can tell Lenny seems to believe that plugging something repeatedly on Facebook is going to bring him further riches above and beyond the £100,000,000,000 he already has in the bank. The pretty much universal apathy and occasional cries of 'give over with the advertising already' make me doubt it.

    As for his bromance with the Orange Oaf... I wonder why he's still in Germany... You'd think he'd be back in the US revelling in the achievements of the great one but no... Still in Europe. Oh well... I'm sure he's having fun in his Schloss and not camped out on Mutti Coldwell's sofa due to a nasty case of the skints.
